search search Sarch meaning from books.google.com
... means of success . ওপায়ান্বেষণ , s . ( from স্তুপ য় , ' n expediead , and অন্বেষণ , sarch , a seeking after ex edients or stratagems . strona 7 , 7. from 47 , an e ped nt , and afag , search . ing out ...
search search Sarch meaning from books.google.com
... means of a valid search warrant . And for a search warrant to be valid : ( 1 ) ... searched and persons or things to be seized . + Thus in a long line of ... sarch warrant may be issued for the search and seizure of the following per ...
search search Sarch meaning from books.google.com
... means of a device which prevents the entrance of gas or air ; also , to fill ... mean tide : used in reckoning altitudes , and for the barometric standard ... search ( sarch ) , v.t. [ < O.F . cercher , to seek < Lat . circare , to go ...
search search Sarch meaning from books.google.com
... Search my places , squire — capt'n , I mean ? He aren't here . ” " Who is not here ? Are not you the master ? " " Ay , my lad , but I mean ... Sarch ? Oh , I give you my word 52 Cutlass And Cudgel.
search search Sarch meaning from books.google.com
... mean . [ Obs . ] " That you can consort your- selves with such poor , seam - rent ... Search'ing , p . a . Hard to escape from or avold ; penetrating ; trying ... ( sarch / a - bl ) , a . Capable of being searched or explored . Search'a ...
search search Sarch meaning from books.google.com
... means of a ' sean . ' . Dev . Reports Provinc . ( 1887 ) . Cor . Seaning is ... sarch Shr . ' ; sarse Nhb . ' ; search Shr . ' Glo . Hmp .; searge Cor.2 ... Sarch - o - 1-6 , ' - ' 1 brass Kettle & Search - o - 1-6 , ' are items of an ...
search search Sarch meaning from books.google.com
... means of a ' sean . ' Dev . Reports Provinc . ( 1887 ) . Cor . Seaning is ... sarch Shr . ' ; sarse Nhb . ' ; search Shr.1 Glo . Hmp .; searge Cor.2 ... Sarch - o - 1-6 , ' - I brass Kettle & Search - 0-1-6 , ' are items of an Inventory ...
search search Sarch meaning from books.google.com
... sarch ' means search and ' cold ' means that they were ' skinters or screws ' . The following are some examples of dialect words I have heard , mainly in Somerset . ADAM'S ALE - water . BACKSUNDED of the sun ' . - north facing , not ...
search search Sarch meaning from books.google.com
... means of his livelihood . 2. To get a man dismissed from employment . Cf. ir . A search ; an inquiry Id , ખેાળ ... sarch . ] To search ; to seek for . ખોળાં - ખંખાળાં , Mini - mimi , } 8. n . pl . [ Redup . of in a search ...
search search Sarch meaning from books.google.com
... means of a ' sean . ' Dev . Reports Provinc . ( 1887 ) . Cor . Seaning is ... sarch Shr . ' ; sarse Nhb . ' ; search Shr.1 Glo . Hmp .; searge Cor.2 ... Sarch - o - 1-6 , ' - 1 brass Kettle & Search - o - 1-6 , ' are items of an Inventory ...