How it works. The search terms report is a list of search terms that a significant number of people have used, and that resulted in your ad being shown.
People also ask
What are search terms in Google Ads?
What's the difference between a search term and a keyword? A search term is a word or set of words a person enters when searching on Google or one of our Search Network sites. A keyword is a word or set of words that Google Ads advertisers can add to a given ad group so that your ads are targeting the right audience.
Where have search terms gone in Google Ads?
View your search terms report Sign in to your Google Ads account. Click Campaigns. , Insights and reports, then Search terms.
How to find search terms in Google Ads Editor?

View and download your search terms report

Sign in to Google Ads Editor.
In the type list, select Keywords or Keywords, Negative.
Click the Search terms button in the data view. ...
In the window that appears, select the date range for the report.
Select the campaigns and ad groups you'd like to see search terms for.
How do search terms work?
A search term, otherwise known as a search query, is the word or phrase someone enters into a search engine, such as Google. A search term often contains (or is itself) a keyword: a word or phrase search marketers bid on in their search campaigns and try to rank for in the organic search results. Wait, wait, wait.
Go over the search term details to view the full list of subcategories, associated performance metrics, and search terms. You can also get campaigns, ad groups, ...
Once you open Keyword Planner, you can create your keyword plan by searching for new keywords, clicking Discover new keywords, or uploading existing keywords.
Mar 22, 2023 · The Search Terms option can be viewed under the Insights & reports tab. Go to Insights & reports > Search terms. There ...
The Search Terms Report in Google Ads is a valuable tool for understanding how your ad targeting. It can be used to refine your keyword strategy, identify high- ...
The search terms report will show the search queries that people are typing into Google to trigger your Google search ads. You can see the full terms that ...
Feb 26, 2024 · Are you seeing a lot of 'Other' search term data in your Google Ads campaigns? Here's why, and what (to an extent) you can do about it.
Search terms or queries are what a user types into a search box. The set of words may be out of order, have other words tacked on, be only somewhat related to ...